In today's world electronic communication has become an inexorable dimension of daily existence and runs through a growing number of individual and social activities. Products for communication incorporate technical characteristics that are more and more sophisticated. To be innovative in this field it is necessary to keep in mind not only the most advanced technology, but also the profound reasons for which we communicate: together with the more obvious practical ones, there are also those that are emotional, symbolic, spiritual. Thus communication of information, but also emotions. Communication of data, but also values. Essential is the increasingly rapid adaptation of the machine's communication logic to man's communication needs.


The second Competition Workshop, 'Three Products to Communicate', took place in 1995. The aim was to reflect on taste tendencies and the evolution of products relative to the fax-telephones, compact hi-fi systems, and car radios.
The Workshop was officially part of the centennial celebrations of Marconi's invention of the radio. The seminar was held at the seat of the Marconi Foundation, in the very same building where the Italian scientist did the first experiments of wireless transmission, and in the midst of replicas of the first radios.
It was the perfect place for study and reflection on contemporary tools for communication.
The Workshop allowed the five designers invited to produce a significant series of reflections, proposals, and projects on the theme of communication.